What can homeopathy treat

Homeopathy treats people, not diseasesThis means that theoretically everyone can be helped by homeopathic treatment because the symptoms that we call by a certain disease name are seen as the manifestation of a deeper imbalance. Homeopathy believes that dis-ease is intimately associated with the life of the individual so to effect healing, the person must be treated as a WHOLE.

Common conditions such as digestive complaints, headaches, allergies, fertility and hormonal imbalances are relatively straightforward to address. The more chronic and serious your condition, the more complex it will be to reverse the deep patterns that your body has developed over time, especially those involving the vital organs. Many people come to homeopathy for the healing of deeper conditions that western medicine is unable to cure in a satisfactory way for them. This includes states of depression, anxiety, and cognitive conditions such as ADD and even autism, where treatment by pharmaceutical drugs (when available) often brings unwanted side effects. Some people use homeopathy as a life-long ‘tune-up’ process as part of their overall approach to healthy living. 

Homeopathy can be safely used alongside conventional medical care. In fact, homeopathy is frequently used to manage the side effects of conventional medications. In many cases, improvements from homeopathic care make it possible to reduce or discontinue those medications. 

Any decisions regarding medication should be made in consultation with your prescribing doctor. Homeopaths do not diagnose disease conventionally. For this, you must see your doctor.



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